ESDM Training for Parents: Empowering Your Child’s Development at Home | Chicago ABA Therapy

ESDM Training for Parents: Empowering Your Child’s Development at Home

Understanding the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is a groundbreaking, play-based therapy designed to support the development of young children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Rooted in applied behavior analysis (ABA), ESDM focuses on building essential skills like communication, social interaction, play, and cognition. Unlike traditional ABA, ESDM is highly interactive and relationship-focused, making it an ideal intervention for toddlers and preschoolers.

Why ESDM Training for Parents is Crucial

ESDM is not just a therapy; it’s a philosophy of interaction that can transform your daily routines into learning opportunities for your child. When parents receive ESDM training, they gain:

  • Understanding: Deep knowledge of the principles and techniques behind ESDM.
  • Empowerment: Tools and strategies to apply ESDM during everyday activities.
  • Consistency: The ability to reinforce the skills learned in therapy sessions at home.
  • Bonding: A strengthened parent-child relationship through playful, meaningful interactions.

The ESDM Parent Training Program at Chicago ABA Therapy

Chicago ABA Therapy is proud to offer a comprehensive ESDM Parent Training Program designed to empower parents and caregivers to actively participate in their child’s development. Our program includes:

  1. Introduction to ESDM: Learn the basics of ESDM, its theoretical foundations, and how it differs from other therapies.
  2. Core ESDM Techniques: Master the key strategies for teaching communication, social skills, play, and cognitive abilities.
  3. Personalized Guidance: Receive individualized support and feedback from our experienced ESDM therapists.
  4. Practice Sessions: Engage in hands-on practice with your child under the supervision of our therapists.
  5. Ongoing Support: Connect with other parents in our ESDM community and receive continued guidance as your child progresses.

What to Expect from ESDM Parent Training

  • Learn to create a language-rich environment: Discover how to model language, encourage communication, and respond to your child’s attempts to interact.
  • Foster social skills: Practice turn-taking, sharing, initiating play, and reading social cues with your child.
  • Promote play and imagination: Engage in playful activities that build cognitive skills and support emotional development.
  • Track your child’s progress: Learn how to monitor your child’s development and celebrate their milestones.

Why Choose Chicago ABA Therapy for ESDM Parent Training

  • Expertise: Our team includes Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) with extensive experience in ESDM.
  • Individualized Approach: We tailor our training to the specific needs and goals of each family.
  • Supportive Environment: We provide a warm and welcoming space for parents to learn and grow together.
  • Evidence-Based Practices: We use only research-supported methods to ensure the best possible outcomes for your child.

Invest in Your Child’s Future with ESDM Parent Training

ESDM parent training is an invaluable investment in your child’s development and your family’s well-being. By learning ESDM techniques, you can create a more enriching home environment, strengthen your bond with your child, and empower them to reach their full potential.

Ready to get started? Contact Chicago ABA Therapy today to learn more about our ESDM Parent Training Program.

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"Chicago ABA Therapy is a boon for special needs kids and parents. They take a play-based, personalized approach and meet the kids where they are. They also go above and beyond - our ABA therapist took time to make sure we as parents understood every aspect of our child's experience, understood how to read his progress reports and generally made us feel a part of his therapy. My child loved all his therapists. Highly recommend the team!"

"We were so happy with our experience with Chicago ABA. We began working with them when our son was almost 4, a few months after his autism diagnosis. It was such an amazing team to work with - everyone was professional, responsive, flexible, and worked so hard for our son to meet his goals, which he did beautifully. We worked together for almost 2 years before he left for kindergarten, and in that time period he met almost all of his goals. We went through several bumps in the road with behavioral difficulties, and the Chicago ABA team did an amazing job helping us problem solve, try new strategies and think of ways to translate those strategies at home. We couldn't recommend them more highly - anyone who works with Chicago ABA will be lucky to have the experience!"